Meet Andi

Andi is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid ResultsĀ Coach dedicated to empowering ambitious women to leave their normal life's challenges behind and live extraordinary lives. With a background that spans over two decades as a productivity consultant for Franklin Covey, a corporate trainer, and an organizational leadership professor, Andi has discovered that what truly holds people back from living big, amazing lives is all in their heads.

At the age of 10, Andi found a self-hypnosis tape at a garage sale. Enamored by the idea of training her mind for greatness in her sleep, she listened to that same tape every night until she was 21.

This early fascination with the power of the subconscious mind set the stage for her lifelong obsession with personal growth, development, and success. By 37, she had checked off her entire bucket list, leading her to the realization that her true passion lies in helping others achieve their dreams.

Andi's unique methodology helps ambitious women who are playing a big game but find themselves spinning, procrastinating, and overthinking. She helps them become clear, focused, and excited, ready to take quantum leaps in their businesses and lives.

Andi believes that everyone already has what they need within themā€”they just need a little remix.